Explorer l'univers pour 200 € / mois (explore the Universe for 200 € / month).
These are my hobby projects on stratospheric (high-altitude) balloons and trans-ocean autonomous robots.
You can get the history, thoughts and latest developments on the blog.
The /Roadmap explains in more details how the near-space balloon is really a test field for a cross-ocean autonomous boat ! You will find here a structured (non-chronologic) status with links to the blog.
Since telemetry is transmitted in real-time by satellite, we have a (web) (almost) real time control center (note: most likely if you follow the link, there's no on-going mission and you'll see the latest mission / test).
The missions
Mission | Description | Status |
Almabraxas 1 | 1er essai d'un ballon stratosphérique (first balloon with GPS + cellular 2G transmission, camera) | Mission completed. Balloon and content recovered (but thanks to the tag, not the GPS). Camera lens iced quite early during the mission and was not the best possible one, so videos are of quite poor quality (but we have something). NB: the camera get out of storage space before the end of he mission. |
Almabraxas 2 | A balloon with a homebrew in-board computer, satellite modem, GPS, barometric sensor (and more cameras) | On-going, see progress report in the blog. |
Almabraxas 3B | A trans-ocean solar powered autonomous boat (hence the B in Almabraxas 3B), with basically the same computer, GPS, satellite transmissions, etc... than the balloon. | On-going, see progress report in the blog. |