A sad outcome of french elections

I once questionned how life would look like with both mandates of the President and the Prime Minister in the hands of only one almost married couple.

They’ve lost elections, but they lost more: Ségolène Royal and François Hollande broke up.

Whatever the (private) reasons behind this, they’re both professional politicians, so beyond the good reasons, it’s difficult not to think the real reason is that their relationship couldn’t stand their careers.

Whatever one may think from a political point of view, it’s always a sad thing when a love story comes to an end, especially since they got four children together.

Even in politics, the french way is always a story of the heart…

1 Comment

  1. Elected president Nicolas Sarkozy and his wife Cecilia also broke up a few months after the elections (and they have children together).

    The heart fall sadly goes on…

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