Search results

Page title matches

  • (trying to) foresee IPv6 deployment]. It is difficult to predict how IPv6 will first take off, who will be first, who will be second and why. These a
    5 KB (780 words) - 23:35, 7 November 2014
  • [[category:mobile telecommunication]][[category:ipv6]] ...tout, la stratégie la plus simple pour un opérateur étant de déployer IPv6 dans la 4G, et de laisser la 3G "vieillir".
    2 KB (320 words) - 10:30, 9 November 2014

Page text matches

  • (trying to) foresee IPv6 deployment]. It is difficult to predict how IPv6 will first take off, who will be first, who will be second and why. These a
    5 KB (780 words) - 23:35, 7 November 2014
  • [[category:mobile telecommunication]][[category:ipv6]] ...tout, la stratégie la plus simple pour un opérateur étant de déployer IPv6 dans la 4G, et de laisser la 3G "vieillir".
    2 KB (320 words) - 10:30, 9 November 2014