

XMoveResizeWindow(display, w, x, y, width, height)
      Display *display;
      Window w;
      int x, y;
      unsigned int width, height;


display Specifies the connection to the X server.
w Specifies the window to be reconfigured.
Specify the x and y coordinates, which define the new position of the window relative to its parent.
Specify the width and height, which define the interior size of the window.


The XMoveResizeWindow() function changes the size and location of the specified window without raising it. Moving and resizing a mapped window may generate an Expose event on the window. Depending on the new size and location parameters, moving and resizing a window may generate Expose events on windows that the window formerly obscured.

If the override-redirect flag of the window is False and some other client has selected SubstructureRedirectMask on the parent, the X server generates a ConfigureRequest event, and no further processing is performed. Otherwise, the window size and location are changed.

XMoveResizeWindow() can generate BadValue and BadWindow errors.


BadValue Some numeric value falls outside the range of values accepted by the request. Unless a specific range is specified for an argument, the full range defined by the argument's type is accepted. Any argument defined as a set of alternatives can generate this error.
BadWindow A value for a Window argument does not name a defined Window.

See also

XChangeWindowAttributes(), XConfigureWindow(), XCreateWindow(), XDestroyWindow(), XMapWindow(), XMoveWindow(), XRaiseWindow(), XResizeWindow(), XSetWindowBorderWidth(), XUnmapWindow(), "Configuring Windows"
Christophe Tronche, ch@tronche.com