

XUninstallColormap(display, colormap)
      Display *display;
      Colormap colormap;


display Specifies the connection to the X server.
colormap Specifies the colormap.


The XUninstallColormap() function removes the specified colormap from the required list for its screen. As a result, the specified colormap might be uninstalled, and the X server might implicitly install or uninstall additional colormaps. Which colormaps get installed or uninstalled is server-dependent except that the required list must remain installed.

If the specified colormap becomes uninstalled, the X server generates a ColormapNotify event on each window that has that colormap. In addition, for every other colormap that is installed or uninstalled as a result of a call to XUninstallColormap(), the X server generates a ColormapNotify event on each window that has that colormap.

XUninstallColormap() can generate a BadColor error.


BadColor A value for a Colormap argument does not name a defined Colormap.

See also

XChangeWindowAttributes(), XCreateColormap(), XCreateWindow(), XFree(), XInstallColormap(), XListInstalledColormaps(), "Managing Installed Colormaps"
Christophe Tronche, ch@tronche.com