14.1.3 Setting and Reading Text Properties

Xlib provides two functions that you can use to set and read the text properties for a given window. You can use these functions to set and read those properties of type TEXT (WM_NAME, WM_ICON_NAME, WM_COMMAND, and WM_CLIENT_MACHINE). In addition, Xlib provides separate convenience functions that you can use to set each of these properties. For further information about these convenience functions, see sections "Setting and Reading the WM_NAME Property", "Setting and Reading the WM_ICON_NAME Property", "Setting and Reading the WM_COMMAND Property", and "Setting and Reading the WM_CLIENT_MACHINE Property", respectively.

To set one of a window's text properties, use XSetTextProperty().

To read one of a window's text properties, use XGetTextProperty().

Next: Setting and Reading the WM_NAME Property

Christophe Tronche, ch@tronche.com