#include <X11/Xlib.h> // Every Xlib program must include this
#include <assert.h> // I include this to test return values the lazy way
#include <unistd.h> // So we got the profile for 10 seconds
#define NIL (0) // A name for the void pointer
Then the serious thing. First we open a connection to the server.
Display *dpy = XOpenDisplay(NIL);
If it fails (and it may), XOpenDisplay() will return NIL.
We gonna create a window, but we need to get the window's background color first. X uses a quite complex color model in order to accommodate to every conceivable piece of hardware. Each color is encoded by an integer, but the integer for a given color may change from a machine to another one, and even on the same machine, from an execution of the program to the next. The only "colors" that X guarantees to exist are black and white. We can get them using the BlackPixel() and WhitePixel() macros.
int blackColor = BlackPixel(dpy, DefaultScreen(dpy));
int whiteColor = WhitePixel(dpy, DefaultScreen(dpy));
As we yet can see, most of the Xlib calls take the "display" (the
value returned by
as their first parameter. You want to know why ?
There is still someting magic, (the DefaultScreen() stuff), but we gonna keep it for a later explanation. We now can create our window:
// Create the window
Window w = XCreateSimpleWindow(dpy, DefaultRootWindow(dpy), 0, 0,
200, 100, 0, blackColor, blackColor);
Unlike what appears in the dialog, we use the
instead of
is not really simpler than
(it takes only a few less parameters), but it uses less concepts, so
we gonna stick to it for now. There are still a bunch of parameters to
is the usual display connection (remember).
: yet another parameter that may
seem magic until now. This is the "parent window" of the window we are
creating. The window we create appears inside its parent, and is
bounded by it (the window is said to be "clipped" by its
parent). Those who guess from the name "Default" that they may be
other root windows guess right. More on this later. For now, the default
root window makes appear our window on the screen, and will give the
window manager a chance to decorate
our window.
0, 0
These are the coordinates of the upper left
corner of the window (the origin of the coordinates in X is at the
upper left, contrary to most mathematical textbooks). The dimensions,
like every dimensions in X, are in pixels (X does not support
user-defined scales, unlike some other graphical systems like
Contrary to what may seem, there is very little chance for the window to appear, at 0,0. The reason is that the window manager will put the window at its policy-defined position.
200, 100
: these are the width and height of the
window, in pixels.
: this is the width of the window's border. This
has nothing to do with the border appended by the
window manager, so this is most
often set to zero.
blackColor, blackColor
: these are the colors of the
window's border (NOT the
window manager's border), and the
window's background, respectively.
clears the window when created,
does not.
// We want to get MapNotify events
XSelectInput(dpy, w, StructureNotifyMask);
As we're starting to know, X is based upon a
client-server architecture. The X server
sends events to the client (the program we're writing), to keep it
informed of the modifications in the server. There are many of them
(each time a window is created, moved, masked, unmasked, and many
other things), so a client must tell the server the events it is
interested in. With this XSelectInput() stuff, we tell the
server we want to be informed of "structural" changes occuring on the
w window. Creation and mapping are such changes. There is no
way to be informed for example of only mapping modification, and not
creations, so we've to take everything. In this particular application
we're interesting in "mapping" events (grosso modo, the window
appears on the screen).
// "Map" the window (that is, make it appear on the screen)
XMapWindow(dpy, w);
And (once again) this is a client-server
system. The map request is asynchronous, meaning that the time this
instruction is executed doesn't tell us when the window is actually
mapped. To be sure, we've to wait for the server to send us a
event (this is why we want to be sensitive to such events).
// Create a "Graphics Context"
GC gc = XCreateGC(dpy, w, 0, NIL);
Yet another magic stuff. But mastering them is the reason of the
existence of this tutorial...
For several reasons, the graphical model of X is stateless, meaning that the server doesn't remember (among other things) attributes such as the drawing color, the thickness of the lines and so on. Thus, we've to give all these parameters to the server on each drawing request. To avoid passing two dozens of parameters, many of them unchanged from one request to the next, X uses an object called the Graphics Context, or GC for short. We store in the graphics context all the needed parameters. Here, we want the color used to draw lines, called the foregound color:
// Tell the GC we draw using the white color
XSetForeground(dpy, gc, whiteColor);
There are many other parameters used to draw a line, but all of them
have reasonable default values.
That's okay for now. Everything is set up, and we wait for the window mapping.
// Wait for the MapNotify event
for(;;) {
XEvent e;
XNextEvent(dpy, &e);
if (e.type == MapNotify)
We loop, taking events as they come and discarding them. When we get a
MapNotify, we exit the loop. We may get events other than
MapNotify for two reasons:
The XNextEvent() procedure is blocking, so if there are no event to read, the program just wait inside the XNextEvent().
When we have exited the loop, we have good confidence that the window appears on the screen. Actually, this may not be the case since, for example, the user may have iconified it using the window manager, but for now, we assume the window actually appears. We can draw our line:
// Draw the line
XDrawLine(dpy, w, gc, 10, 60, 180, 20);
The line is between points (10, 60) and (180, 20). The (0,0) is at the
upper left corner of the window, as usual. If the program just
sleeps here, nothing will happen, because, in case you don't
know, X has a client-server
architecture. Thus the request stays in the client, unless we tell it
to go to the server. This is done by XFlush():
// Send the "DrawLine" request to the server
Clever readers may have noticed that we didn't use
before, and it didn't prevent all the requests such as
to be sent to the server. The answer is that
performs an implicit
before trying to read some events. We have our line now, we just wait
for 10 seconds, so we can make people see how beautiful is our work:
// Wait for 10 seconds
That's all for now. In next
lesson, we will have a (very) little more interaction. [to be continued]