Spencer W. Thomas & Rod G. Bogart
Fast anamorphic image scaling
| 78
| Dale A. Schumacher
Real pixels
| 80
| Greg Ward
A fast 90-degree bitmap rotator
| 84
| Sue-Ken Yap
Rotation of run-length encoded image data
| 86
| Jeff Holt
Adaptative run-length encoding
| 89
| Andrew S. Glassner
Image file compression made easy
| 93
| Alan W. Paeth
An optimal filter for image reconstruction
| 101
| Nelson Max
Noise thresholding in edge images
| 105
| John Schlag
Computing the area, circumference, and the genus of a binary digital image
| 107
| Hanspeter Bieri & Andreas Kohler
Frame Buffer Techniques
Efficient inverse colormap computation
| 115
| | Spencer W. Thomas
| Efficient statistical computations for optimal color quantization
| 126
| | Xiaolin Wu
A random color map animation algorithm
| 134
| | Ken Musgrave
A fast approach to PHIGS PLUS pseudo color mapping
| 138
| | James Hall & Terence Lindgren
Mapping RGB triples onto 16 distinct values
| 143
| | Alan W. Paeth
| Television color encoding and "hot" broadcast colors
| 147
| | David Martindale & Alan W. Paeth
| An inexpensive method of setting the monitor white point
| 159
| | Gary W. Meyer
Some tips for making color hardcopy
| 163
| | Ken Musgrave
3D Geometry and Algorithms
Area of planar polygons and volume of polyhedra
| 170
| | Ronald N. Goldman
Getting around on a sphere
| 172
| | Clifford A. Shaffer
Exact dihedral metrics for common polyhedra
| 174
| | Alan W. Paeth
| A simple viewing algorithm
| 179
| | Andrew S. Glassner
| View correlation
| 181
| | Rod G. Bogart
Maintaining winged-edge models
| 191
| | Andrew S. Glassner
| Quadtree / octree-to-boundary conversion
| 202
| | Claudio Montani & Roberto Scopigno
Three-dimensional homogeneous clipping of triangle strips
| 219
| | Patrick-Gilles Maillot
Interphong shading
| 232
| | Nadia Magnenat Thalmann, Daniel Thalmann & Hong Tong Minh
Ray Tracing
Fast ray-convex polyhedron intersection
| 247
| | Eric Haines
Intersecting a ray with an elliptical torus
| 251
| | Joseph M. Cychosz
Ray-triangle intersection using binary recursive subdivision
| 257
| | Douglas Voorhies & David Kirk
Improved ray tagging for voxel-based ray tracing
| 264
| | David Kirk & James Arvo
Efficiency improvements for hierarchy traversal in ray tracing
| 267
| | Eric Haines
A recursive shadow voxel cache for ray tracing
| 273
| | Andrew Pearce
Avoiding incorrect shadow intersections for ray tracing
| 275
| | Andrew Pearce
A body color model: absorption of light through translucent media
| 277
| | Mark E. Lee & Samuel P. Uselton
More shadow attenuation for ray tracing transparent or translucent objects
| 283
| | Mark E. Lee & Samuel P. Uselton
Implementing progressive radiosity with user-provided polygon display routines
| 295
| | Shenchang Eric Chen
A cubic tetrahedral adaptation of the hemi-cube algorithm
| 299
| | Jeffrey C. Beran-Koehn & Mark J. Pavicic
Fast vertex radiosity update
| 303
| | Filippo Tampieri
Radiosity via ray tracing
| 306
| | Peter Shirley
Detection of shadow boundaries for adaptive meshing radiosity
| 311
| | François Sillion
Matrix Techniques
Decomposing a matrix into simple transformations
| 320
| | Spencer W. Thomas
Recovering the data from the transformation matrix
| 324
| | Ronald N. Goldman
Transformations as exponentials
| 332
| | Ronald N. Goldman
More matrices and transformations: shear and pseudo-perspective
| 338
| | Ronald N. Goldman
Fast matrix inversion
| 342
| | Kevin Wu
Quaternions and 4 × 4 matrices
| 351
| | Ken Shoemake
Random rotation matrices
| 355
| | James Arvo
Classifying small sparse matrices
| 357
| | James Arvo
Numerical and Programming Techniques
Bit picking
| 366
| | Ken Shoemake
Faster Fourier transform
| 368
| | Ken Shoemake
Of integers, fields and bit counting
| 371
| | Alan W. Paeth & David Schilling
Using geometric constructions to interpolate orientation with quaternions
| 377
| | John Schlag
A half-angle identity for digital computation: the joys of the halved tangent
| 381
| | Alan W. Paeth
An integer square root algorithm
| 387
| | Christopher J. Musial
Fast approximation to the arctangent
| 389
| | Ron Capelli
Fast sign of cross product calculation
| 392
| | Jack Ritter
Intercal sampling
| 394
| | Ken Shoemake
A recursive implementation of the Perlin noise function
| 396
| | Greg Ward
Curves and Surfaces
Least-squares approximations to Bézier curves and surfaces
| 406
| | Doug Moore and Joe Warren
Beyond Bézier curves
| 412
| | Ken Shoemake
A simple formulation for curve interpolation with variable control point approximation
| 417
| | John Schlag
Symmetric evaluation of polynomials
| 420
| | Terence Lindgren
Menelaus's theorem
| 424
| | Hans-Peter Seidel
Geometrically continuous cubic Bézier curves
| 428
| | Hans-Peter Seidel
A good straight-line approximation of a circular arc
| 435
| | Christopher J. Musial
Great circle plotting
| 440
| | Alan W. Paeth
Fast anti-aliased circle generation
| 446
| | Xiaolin Wu
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |