Graphics Gems I

Edited by Andrew S. Glassner.

2D Geometry

Useful 2d Geometry 3
     Andrew S. Glassner
Useful trigonometry 13
Andrew S. Glassner
Trigonometric functions at select points 18
Alan W. Paeth
Triangles 20
Ronald Goldman
Generating random points in triangles 24
Greg Turk
Fast line-edge intersections on a uniform grid 29
Andrew Shapira
Area of intersection: circle and a half-plane 38
Kelvin Thompson
Area of intersection: circle and a thick line 40
Kelvin Thompson
Area of intersection: two circles 43
Kelvin Thompson
Vertical distance from a point to a line 47
Kelvin Thompson
A fast 2d point-on-line test 49
Alan W. Paeth
Fast circle-rectangle intersection checking 51
Clifford A. Shaffer

2D Rendering

Circles of integral radius on integer lattices 57
     Alan W. Paeth
Nice numbers for graph labels 61
Paul S. Heckbert
Efficient generation of sampling jitter using look-up tables 64
Joseph M. Cychosz
Fast anti-aliasing polygon scan conversion 76
Jack C. Morrison
Generic convec polygon scan conversion and clipping 84
Paul S. Heckbert
Concave polygon scan conversion 87
Paul S. Heckbert
Fast scan conversion of arbitrary polygons 92
Bob Wallis
Digital line drawing 99
Paul S. Heckbert
Symmetric double step line algorithm 101
Brian Wyvill
Rendering anti-aliased lines 105
Kelvin Thompson
An algorithm for filling in 2d wide line bevek joints 107
Jack Ritter
Rendering fat lines on a raster grid 114
Bob Wallis
Two-dimensional clipping: a vector-based approach 121
Hans J.W. Spoelder & Fons H. Ullings
Periodic tilings of the plane on a raster grid 129
Greg Lee, Mike Penk & Bob Wallis

Image Processing

Convenient anti-aliasing filters that minimize "bumpy" sampling 144
Mark J. Pavicic
Filters for common resampling tasks 147
Ken Turkowski
Smoothing enlarged monochrome images 166
John Olsen
Median Finding on a 3x3 grid 171
Alan W. Paeth
Ordered dithering 176
Stephen Hawley
A fast algorithm for general raster rotation 179
Alan W. Paeth
Useful 1-to-1 pixel transforms 196
Dale Schumacher
Alpha blending 210
Kelvin Thompson

Frame Buffer Techniques

Frame Buffers And Color Maps 215
Andrew S. Glassner
Reading a write-only write mask 219
Alan W. Paeth
A digital "dissolve" effect 221
Mike Morton
Mapping RGB triples on four bits 233
Alan W. Paeth
What are the coordinates of a pixel ? 246
Paul S. Heckbert
Proper treatment of pixels as integers 249
Alan W. Paeth
Normal coding 257
Andrew S. Glassner
Recording animation in binary order for progressive temporal refinment 265
Paul S. Heckbert
1-to-1 pixel transforms optimized through color-map manipulation 270
Dale Schumacher
A seed fill algorithm 275
Paul S. Heckbert
Filling a region in a frame buffer 278
Ken Fishkin
Precalculating addresses for fast fills, circles, and lines 285
Bill Wallace
A simple method for color quantization: octree quantization 287
Michael Gervautz, Werner Purgathofer

3D Geometry

Useful 3d geometry 297
Andrew S. Glassner
An efficient bounding sphere 301
Jack Ritter
Intersection of two lines in three-space 304
Ronald Goldman
Intersection of three planes 305
Ronald Goldman
Digital cartography for computer graphics 307
Alan W. Paeth
Albers equal-area conic map projection 321
Paul D. Bame
Spheres-to-voxels conversion 327
Claudio Montani and Roberto Scopigno
A simple method for box-sphere intersection testing 335
James Arvo

3D Rendering

3d grid hashing function 343
Brian Wyvill
Backface culling 346
Jeff Hultquist
Fast dot products for shading 348
Mark Lee
Scanline depth gradient of a z-buffered triangle 361
Kelvin Thompson
Simulating fog and haze 364
Andrew S. Glassner
Interpretation of texture map indices 366
Andrew S. Glassner
Multidimensional sum tables 376
Andrew S. Glassner

Ray Tracing

A simple ray rejection test 385
Jack Ritter
Intersection of a ray with a sphere 388
Jeff Hultquist
An efficient ray-polygon intersection 390
Didier Badouel
Fast ray-polygon intersection 394
Andrew Woo
Fast ray-box intersection 395
Andrew Woo
Shadow attenuation for ray tracing transparent objects 397
Andrew Pearce

Numerical and programming techniques

Cubic and quartic roots 404
Jochen Schwarze
A Bézier curve-based root-finder 408
Philip J. Schneider
Using Sturm sequences to bracket real roots of polynomial equations 416
D.G. Hook & P. R. McAree
A high speed, low precision square root 424
Paul Lalonde & Robert Dawson
A fast approximation to the hypotenuse 427
Alan W. Paeth
A fast approximation to 3d euclidian distance 432
Jack Ritter
Full-precision constants 434
Kelvin Thompson
Converting between bits and digits 435
Kelvin Thompson
Storage-free swaping 436
Brian Wyvill
Generating random integers 438
Andrew S. Glassner
Fast 2d-3d rotation 440
Jack Ritter
Bit patterns for encoding angles 442
Ken Shoemake
Bit interleaving for quad- or octrees 443
Clifford A. Shaffer
A fast HSL-to-RGB transform 448
Ken Fishkin

Matrix techniques

Matrix identities 453
Kelvin Thompson
Transforming axes 456
Kelvin Thompson
Fast Matrix Multiplication 460
Kelvin Thompson
A virtual trackball 462
Jeff Hultquist
Matrix orthogonalisation 464
Eric Raible
Rotation tools 465
Michael E. Pique
Matrix inversion 470
Richard Carling
Matrices and transformations 472
Ronald Goldman
Efficient post-concatenation of transformation matrices 476
Joseph M. Cychosz

Modeling and Transformations

Transformation identities 485
Ned Greene
Fixed-point trigonometry with cordic iterations 494
Ken Turkowski
Using quaternions for coding 3d transformations 498
Patrick-Gilles Maillot
3d viewing and rotation using orthonormal bases 516
Steve Cunningham
The use of coordinate frames in computer graphics 522
Ken Turkowski
Forms, vectors and transforms 533
Bob Wallis
Properties of surface-normal transformations 539
Ken Turkowski
Transforming axis-aligned bounding boxes 548
James Arvo
Defining surfaces from sampled data 552
Mark Hall
Defining surfaces from contour data 558
Mark Hall
Computing surface normals for 3d models 562
Andrew S. Glassner
Calculations of reference frames along a space curve 567
Jules Bloomenthal

Curves and surfaces

Planar cubic curves 575
Andrew S. Glassner
Explicit cubic spline interpolation formulas 579
Richard Rasala
Fast spline drawing 585
Julian Gomez
Some properties of Bézier curves 587
Ronald Goldman
Tutorial on forward differencing 594
Bob Wallis
Integration of Bernstein basis function 604
Ronald Goldman
Solving the nearest-point-on-curve problem 607
Philip J. Schneider
An algorithm for automatically fitting digitized curves 612
Philip J. Schneider

Related topics: Graphics Gems

Christophe Tronche,