6.8.3 Color Conversion Context Macros

Applications should not directly modify any part of the XcmsCCC. The following lists the C language macros, their corresponding function equivalents for other language bindings, and what data they both can return.

DisplayOfCCC, XcmsDisplayOfCCC

     XcmsCCC ccc;

Display *XcmsDisplayOfCCC(ccc)
     XcmsCCC ccc;

ccc Specifies the CCC.
Both return the display associated with the specified CCC.

VisualOfCCC, XcmsVisualOfCCC

     XcmsCCC ccc;

Visual *XcmsVisualOfCCC(ccc)
     XcmsCCC ccc;

ccc Specifies the CCC.
Both return the visual associated with the specified CCC.

ScreenNumberOfCCC, XcmsScreenNumberOfCCC

     XcmsCCC ccc;

int XcmsScreenNumberOfCCC(ccc)
     XcmsCCC ccc;

ccc Specifies the CCC.
Both return the number of the screen associated with the specified CCC.

ScreenWhitePointOfCCC, XcmsScreenWhitePointOfCCC

     XcmsCCC ccc;

XcmsColor *XcmsScreenWhitePointOfCCC(ccc)
     XcmsCCC ccc;

ccc Specifies the CCC.
Both return the white point of the screen associated with the specified CCC.

ClientWhitePointOfCCC, XcmsClientWhitePointOfCCC

     XcmsCCC ccc;

XcmsColor *XcmsClientWhitePointOfCCC(ccc)
     XcmsCCC ccc;

ccc Specifies the CCC.
Both return the Client White Point of the specified CCC.
Next: Modifying Attributes of a Color Conversion Context

Christophe Tronche, ch@tronche.com